Vincenzo Cottinelli
Vincenzo Cottinelli
Born in Brescia in 1938. Italian free-lance photographer committed to cultural and social actuality, Cottinelli has been represented by the photo Agencies Grazia Neri in Milano and Opale in Paris. His main production: portraits and emblematic pictures, social and travel reportages, mostly in traditional high quality black & white silverprints; portraits of worldwide important intellectuals (writers, philosophers) and artists (painters, musicians, photographers). Cottinelli is founder member of the photographers association "il biancoenero" (theblack&white). He runs the no-profit showroom La Stanza delle Biciclette (some exhibited authors: Luigi Ghirri, Randa Mirza, Chris Steele-Perkins, Antonella Gandini, Pietro Masturzo, Monica Bulaj, Claudio Rizzini, Giorgio Bertelli, Michele Gusmeri, Fausto Cargnoni).
Till now he has published on magazines and newspaper as: the European, Le Monde, Graphis New York, Yediot Aharonot, Literary Monthly of Israel, Asiaweek, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, The Independent, Rheinisches Merkur, Linea d'Ombra, Il Diario, L'Unità, Il Giornale dell'Arte, Giornale della Libreria, il Corriere Della Sera, Io Donna, La Repubblica delle donne, la Stampa, Slow, Airone, Terre di Mezzo, L'Immaginazione, Meta, FotoGraphia (recently Penna e Pellicola an illustrated essay on Tiziano Terzani as photographer), Una Città, Poesia, L'Indice dei Libri, Uniòn (Cuban writer's magazine), Portraits d'écrivains (Opale-Bréal, Paris 2002), Agenda Letteraria, Agenda di Magistratura Democratica, L'Europeo, Natural Style, Vanity Fair, Teseo, East, Nostro Lunedì, Atlante Bresciano, Alias/Manifesto, FOCUS Magazine, Past & Present (Oxford University Press); on Rosso Fiorentino, september 2004, My pictures with Terzani, 15 portraits of Tiziano Terzani.

Cottinelli's pictures have been used on more than 100 book covers by the publishers: Baldini & Castoldi, Bibliofabbrica, CUEC Editore, Edizioni Gruppo Abele, Di Renzo, Feltrinelli, Globo Livros, Hanser Verlag, Hoffman und Kampe, Droemer Verlag, Longanesi, Maisonneuve & Larose, Mondadori (above all: the 7 "Meridiani" boxes of Bertolucci, Bobbio, Kapuscinski, Magris, Saramago, Terzani, Zanzotto), Penguin Books, Random House, Riemann, Rizzoli, il Saggiatore, Scheiwiller, TEA, University of Chicago Press, University of Toronto Press, WAB Warszawa, Zysk i S-ka Poznan; for Mantova's Festivaletteratura booklets; for the Malkit Singh's music CD Bhangra, Sensible Records publisher. The reportage La domenica, arabo in May 2018 received merit certificate by UNHCR.
To see most of the covers and reportages, press the "published works" button.
Photographic Books
  1. The Nature of the Things, Maremma Herbs' photos, half over-painted by Giorgio Bertelli, text by Massimo Raffaeli, publisher L'Obliquo.
  2. The hidden Garden, folding stripe: some garden images, poem by Francesco Scarabicchi. L'Obliquo publisher.
  3. L'invenzione della quercia text by Andrea Cortellessa and Cottinelli, captions from J.W. Goethe and Paul Valéry. L'Obliquo publisher.
  4. Personalities of Italian and world culture, texts by Cesare Colombo & Tino Bino, note by the Author, La Quadra Publisher.
  5. Visages de la culture italienne, forewords by Francesco Scarabicchi, for Tour de Babel, Paris.
  6. Garden's Dream, Texts by the Author and Alessandra Mauro, Poems by Antònio Ramos Rosa and Francesco Scarabicchi, Contrasto Publishing House.
  7. Thirty Portraits, for the Municipality of Colli del Tronto, essay by Francesco Scarabicchi.
  8. Tiziano Terzani: ritratto di un amico, prefaces by Grazia Neri and Ettore Mo, Vallardi Publishing House.
  9. La domenica, arabo, with essays by Vincenzo Consolo and Claudio Marra, published by Riello Group.
  10. Ritratti d'Autore published by Ancona Commune, essay by Francesco Scarabicchi.
  11. Philobiblon published by Mantova Commune and Baratta Public Library, preface of Silvio Perrella.
  12. Volti dell'impegno, new writers' portraits, texts by Grazia Neri and Marco Vallora, Grafo Publishing House.
  13. Sguardi, writers' portraits, care and editing by Grazia Cherchi, preface & captions by Lalla Romano, La Quadra Publishing House.
Books illustrated by Cottinelli's various pictures
  1. Stefano Boeri/Amos Gitai A private glossary publisher Rizzoli/Electa.
  2. Fosco Maraini Le immagini dell'empresente Museum of Cultures Exhibition Catalogue, Lugano publisher SKIRA (double-page portrait of Maraini).
  3. Gianni Celati, Selected Essays, care of Patrick Barron, University College London.
  4. Cygnus X1, Box with texts by: Fausto Cargnoni, Jean Améry, Ernst Jandl and one of my photos of oaks, publisher L'Obliquo, Brescia.
  5. Cenobio II/2023 Lugano, Portraits of Francesco Scarabicchi.
  6. Fine/Inizio by Folco and Tiziano Terzani, Tea Libri.
  7. Portraits of Piergiorgio Bellocchio appear in the film "Marx può aspettare" by Marco Bellocchio.
  8. Atelier, by Elisabetta Orsini, II edition, Moretti e Vitali.
  9. Notes on yoga - The legacy of Vanda Scaravelli Passigli by Diane Long.
  10. Nessun consuntivo (Andrea Zanzotto's 90th birthday) Antiga Edizioni.
  11. L'immaginario del Reale, Associazione il biancoenero, Brescia.
  12. Fantasmi, Tiziano Terzani, Longanesi.
  13. Il silenzio tra noi Leggero, Lalla Romano in pittura, scrittura, fotografia, Piacenza.
  14. Magistratura Democratica, Agende 2006, 2007, 2008 Angolo Manzoni publisher.
  15. La fine è il mio inizio, Tiziano Terzani, Longanesi publisher.
  16. Colloqui con Nino, edited by A. Zanzotto, publisher Grafiche Bernardi, Pieve di Soligo.
  17. Portraits d'écrivains, Opale-Bréal, Paris.
  18. Posta Letteraria, of W.Szymborska, Scheiwiller publisher.
  19. Per Grazia Cherchi, Piacenza, Vicolo del Pavone publisher.
Personal exhibitions (writers' portraits)
  1. Brescia, La Stanza delle Biciclette Gallery, The nature of the things, Maremma green, photographs pictorially processed by Giorgio Bertelli (catalogue: text by Massimo Raffaeli).
  2. Brescia, AREF Gallery, The Garden's dream, for the conference dedicated to Francesco Scarabicchi.
  3. Sorano, "Il Cortilone" gallery: The invention of the Oak (book of the same name, debate with Andrea Cortellessa).
  4. Pitigliano, Le Strade Bianche Library, Tiziano told us, twenty-five portraits: debate with Angela Terzani Staude, Alen Loreti and the publisher Marcello Baraghini in memory of Tiziano Terzani.
  5. Verbania, Festival LetterAltura, The Garden's dream.
  6. Brescia, Salone Vanvitelliano (Palazzo Municipale), Il lutto e la cultura dell'illuminismo: Parigi 13 novembre 2015 settanta immagini del lutto collettivo per gli attentati islamici.
  7. Prague, Istituto Italiano di Cultura, Personaggi della Cultura Italiana, over one hundred portraits and environments of life and work of Italian and foreign intellectuals, curated and presented by Gianni Sciola.
  8. Provaglio d'Iseo, Barone Pizzini cultural center, The Garden's dream, introduction by Tino Bino and Umberto Stefani.
  9. Paris, Petite Galerie Librairie italienne Tour de Babel, Visages de la Culture Italienne, thirty-two portraits of Italian writers.
  10. Brescia, La Stanza delle Biciclette Gallery, The Garden's dream.
  11. Sarnico, Torre Civica, for the Circolo fotografico Le Molere, edited by Domenico Parigi, Tiziano Terzani, portrait of a Friend.
  12. Gussago, Palazzo Nava, for the Levi Association, Poor Homeland.
  13. Carpenedolo, Palazzo Laffranchi, for the Municipality, edited by Grazia Neri, Homage to Tiziano Terzani.
  14. Brescia, La Stanza delle Biciclette Gallery, Homage to Tiziano Terzani.
  15. Verona, MiMA Gallery of S.Maria di Zevio, anthological exhibition of On Sunday, Arab.
  16. Udine for "Vicino Lontano, Tiziano Terzani Literary Award", Teatro Giovanni da Udine, Cambodia 2007, traces of horror, reportage inspired by Tiziano Terzani's Fantasmi.
  17. Piacenza, "Grazia Cherchi" Gallery, Lalla Romano and Grazia Cherchi, a friendship for writing, twenty photographs.
  18. Brescia, La Stanza delle Biciclette Gallery, Poor Homeland, on Italian history and politics of the 20th century.
  19. Gussago, Palazzo Nava, for the Levi Cultural Association, with the Municipality and Province of Brescia, The face, the intellect, the commitment: 30 portraits of women writers and artists.
  20. Bolzano, for the Circolo Fotografico Tina Modotti and the Grazia Neri Agency, Homage to Tiziano Terzani, 20 portraits.
  21. Rome, Sala S.Rita, for the Municipality's Department of Culture, Homage to Tiziano Terzani.
  22. Udine, Teatro Giovanni da Udine, for "Vicino Lontano Tiziano Terzani Literary Award", Homage to Tiziano Terzani.
  23. Genoa, Palazzo Ducale, for Suq, Festival of Cultures and Chance/Events: On Sunday, Arab 2006.
  24. Bologna Fair, CGIL centenary celebration, On Sunday, Arab.
  25. Legnago, Salieri Theater and Civic Museum On Sunday, Arab reportage on teaching Arabic to the children of Maghrebi immigrants in the state middle school of Legnago, presentation by Vincenzo Consolo and Claudio Marra, debate with Livia Turco.
  26. Gussago, Palazzo Nava, 14 emblematic images on the theme of Justice.
  27. Colli del Tronto, Thirty Portraits, catalog care Francesco Scarabicchi, as part of "ColliArte2005", in parallel with an exhibition of portraits by Tullio Pericoli, debate with Pericoli and Scarabicchi.
  28. Milan, Grazia Neri Gallery, Homage to Tiziano Terzani curated and presented by Grazia Neri and Marco Vallora, catalogue Vallardi publishing house.
  29. Brescia, for the thirty years of the Rinascita bookshop, Portraits in the bookshop.
  30. Centro Baratta, Comune di Mantova, within "Festivaletteratura": Philobiblon, 50 images of books, same title catalogue.
  31. Piacenza, Ricci-Oddi Civic Gallery as part of "Carovane" festival, Writer's Portraits with presentation by Luis Sepùlveda, interventions by Ignacio Paco Taibo.
  32. Sarnico, Writers for the World, outdoor exhibition-walk, curated by Domenico Parigi, debate with Francesco Scarabicchi and Giulio Obici.
  33. Belgioioso, Small publisher's fair, Grazia Cherchi with writer friends, twenty portraits.
  34. Piacenza, Ricci-Oddi Civic Gallery, For Grazia Cherchi, thirty portraits.
  35. Ancona, for the Municipality, at the Mole Vanvitelliana, Portraits of Authors, poets and writers, edited and with an essay by Francesco Scarabicchi.
  36. London, Italian Cultural Institute, curated by Mario Fortunato, Faces of Poetry, thirty portraits of Italian poets, in conjunction with meetings between Italian and English poets and an exhibition of portraits of Tullio Pericoli.
  37. Dergano-Bovisa Library of the Municipality of Milan: Faces of commitment, 90 portraits, presentation by Giulio Obici.
  38. Mirano, Villa Morosini, for the Municipality and the Veneto Irrsae, Portraits of writers on the theme "Trespassing, literature for peace in the Mediterranean".
  39. Florence, Palazzo Corsini-Suarez, for the Gabinetto Vieusseux, Portraits.
  40. Siena, in the Palazzo Pubblico, Piazza del Campo, for the Municipality and the Giuseppe Baldisserri Association, Portraits of Writers.
  41. Brescia, Primo piano Gallery: Corpo a corpo, images of female nudes with books, mirroring drawings by Giorgio Bertelli on copies of the same photographs.
  42. Brescia, Sala SS. Filippo and Giacomo, for the Municipality and the Grazia Neri Agency, Faces of commitment, same title catalog.
  43. Israel, for the Italian Cultural Institute, Sixty faces of contemporary culture (in January in Jerusalem, Hebrew University, in February in Tel Aviv, Bialik Museum).
  44. Brescia, Libra bookshop: Lèggere Luci, 30 images on the theme "book-reading".
  45. Naples in Galassia Gutenberg, edited by Goffredo Fofi, Portraits of writers.
  46. Bern, Civic-University Library, for the Cultural Office of the Italian Embassy, Portraits of writers, presentation by Lalla Romano.
  47. Milan, via Manzoni Feltrinelli bookshop, More portraits of writers.
  48. Turin, La Città del Sole bookshop, for the Book Fair, Portraits of writers.
  49. Havana, Cuba, Palacio del Segundo Cabo, for the First Week of Italian Culture, organized by the Union of Cuban Writers and the Embassy of Italy, Portraits of Writers.
  50. Iseo for the Arsenale Gallery: Portraits of writers, presentation by Lalla Romano and Tino Bino.
  51. Lecce and Otranto for the Liberrima bookshops and the Regional Cultural Center Portraits of Writers.
  52. Vienna for the Italian Cultural Institute, Portraits of writers, care and presentation by Umberto Rinaldi.
  53. Perugia, Palazzo Penna, for the Municipality, Portraits of writers, presentation by Clara Sereni.
  54. Nembro al Serio, Voltapagina bookshops Portraits of writers, presentation by Grazia Cherchi.
  55. Modena, Feltrinelli bookshops, Portraits of writers.
  56. Bologna, Feltrinelli bookshops, Portraits of writers.
  57. Milano, via Manzoni Feltrinelli bookshop, Portraits of writers, presentation by Lalla Romano.
Collective exhibitions
  1. Paris, Association Ménart Friends, Collective "100 Photographers for Lebanon".
  2. Brescia, Photo Festival 2022, Portrait of Tiziano Terzani in the Collective "Le forme del ritratto" (with, among others, Man Ray, Luis González Palma, Joel Peter Witkin, Irving Penn, Paola Agosti, Flor Garduño, James Delano, Lucien Clergue, Gordon Parks, Gianni Berengo Gardin, Diane Arbus, Julia Margaret Cameron, Sebastião Salgado, Steve McCurry, André Kertész, Tazio Secchiaroli, Philippe Halsman, David LaChapelle, Vanessa Beecroft, Édouard Boubat, Aleksandr Rodčenko, W. Eugene Smith, Uliano Lucas).
  3. Paris, Galerie l'Oeil Vert, three prints from the series The invention of the Oak, in the collective "Chacun son arbre", around forty photos of trees by, among others, Sarah Moon, Denis Brihat, Pentti Sammallahti, Marc Riboud, Masao Yamamoto.
  4. Brescia, On Sunday, Arab in the Collective of the biancoenero Association.
  5. Enna, Collective "Un battito di ciglia" Centro Culturale Bannata.
  6. Brescia, Santa Giulia Museum, Un napoletano a Parigi (sequence on the artist Gino Diomaiuto in his studio) in the il biancoenero collective exhibition, "L'immaginario del reale", same name catalog.
  7. Brescia, Diocesan Museum, Playlight for the Collective of biancoenero "Quel colpo di luce".
  8. Brescia, S. Zenone Gallery, reportage on Nigerian Church in Brescia for the Biancoenero collective.
  9. Spoleto, collective Self-portraits of Authors.
  10. Brescia, reportage Helping hands for the Collective of biancoenero "Storie, Memorie, Visioni".
  11. February and March respectively in Brescia (Sala SS. Filippo and Giacomo) and Milan (Grazia Neri Gallery) "Winners of the Giacomelli Memorial", the story The Shepherdess.
  12. Brescia, Sala SS. Filippo and Giacomo: Brescia, Un mondo, Collective of the biancoenero.
  13. Milan, Grazia Neri Gallery, Two portraits of Renato Boeri in the collective "Grazia Neri and her photographer friends" for B.R.A.I.N.
  14. Milan, Arengario, in the collective "M'impiego ma non mi spezzo", Portraits of Lalla Romano and Luigi Baldacci for the section "Nello studio privato".
  15. Milan, Circolo Brecht, for the "Europa Europa" event, Portraits of intellectuals in the collective "Forme e volti dello spirito Europeo".
  16. Pescara, selection of Extrafesta in the collective curated by the Savignano sul Rubicone Festival.
  17. Brescia, Piccola Galleria UCAI of Brescia, Extrafesta for the biancoenero Association.
  18. Pieve di Soligo, for "Tre giorni con la poesia di Andrea Zanzotto" portraits of the Poet and landscapes linked to his poems.
  19. Brescia, Sala SS. Filippo and Giacomo, for the collective of biancoenero: Brasile, sporco zucchero reportage on the cane cutting in the Brasil Northeast.
  20. Spoleto, collective "Riflessi".
  21. Savignano sul Rubicone, the Extrafesta story is exhibited for "Portfolio in Piazza".
  22. Spoleto, collective "Sorridere".
  23. Fermo, Appunti di un viaggio in Olanda 1961, at the exhibition "Reportages e Racconti fotografici Città di Fermo" (42 out of 103 participants admitted; among the winners were Pepi Merisio, Mario Giacomelli, Mario Finocchiaro; Paul Almasy and Gianni Berengo Gardin were highlighted).
Essays on Cottinelli's work
Cinzia Busi-Thompson, Giampiero Comolli, Andrea Cortellessa, Vincenzo Consolo, Claudio Marra, Ettore Mo, Denise Molica, Roberto Mutti, Grazia Neri, Giulio Obici, Valerio Pellizzari, Silvio Perrella, Oreste Pivetta, Massimo Raffaeli, Maurizio Rebuzzini, Lalla Romano, Francesco Scarabicchi, Marco Vallora.